Learn About West Bay Covenant Church

In 1950, several Covenant families that had moved to the area for work, started meeting in the one-room Norris schoolhouse, across the street. A few years later, they bought a home where the church now stands and met. Construction of the current church started in 1958. The church grew, with youth groups, adult groups, and many from the nearby community joining in.

 By 1972, the fellowship hall and Sunday school rooms were added to accommodate all the activities. As kids grew up and moved away, our congregation grew older. We are more like a big family now, eager to care about you and your family.  

Our History

Over the 70 years of our church's existence, the names and faces may have changed, but we thank God that our intention has remained the same. The true church of Jesus Christ is not made of mortar and bricks but of men and women, boys and girls.

 Let us pray, encourage, and help one another to develop our faith and faithfulness. We each have an important function to fulfill in the church. We pray that He may continue to work in us in this little corner of the world where he has placed us. 

Our Story

I have been in the church all my life; my father was a pastor. I have been a pastor for 42 years, serving churches all through the Midwest and serving here at West Bay Covenant since 2009. This has been and continues to be a wonderful church to serve. I love to read, especially the Bible.

I love to wander around this glorious area. I also love to drink coffee with anyone who wants to join me. It has been the highest honor and joy to serve my Lord Jesus the Messiah, and I shall remain his servant until l see him face to face. I have an awesome and long-suffering wife, Sue, three great and talented sons, and an incredible granddaughter who is my superhero!  

Our Staff

E-mail: kentwbcc@gmail.com

Pastor - Kent Anderson

I have been the Office Administrator for West Bay Covenant Church since 2021. I moved to Northern Michigan from New Jersey in 2012. In NJ, I was an Educator, teaching lower elementary grades. I was raised in a Roman Catholic Family, and now, WBCC is my Church Family.  

As an outdoor enthusiast and athlete, I enjoy all four seasons here in northern Michigan, with Winter being my favorite season. I love downhill snow skiing, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice skating, and hiking. I love bike riding, sailing, kayaking, and swimming in Lake Michigan during the spring and summer months. I'm happy and proud to call Traverse City, MI., my hometown now.

E-mail: westbaycovenant1@gmail.com

Secretary - Lauren Roubel

Holy Spirit:



The Word: 

We Believe In:

our values.





The Bible is God’s word to all people. It is composed of 66 books of the Old and New Testament, which was given from God to us through may different chosen authors. It has been transmitted to the present without corruption of any essential doctrine, so it is the supreme source of truth for Christina beliefs and living.    

God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed as The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and One God. 

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He lived a sinless human life and offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all by dying on a cross. He rose from the dead after three days to demonstrate his power over sin and death. He ascended to heaven and will return to earth again to reign as King and Lord.  

The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. The Spirit is present in the world to make us aware of our need for Jesus Christ. The Spirit also lives in every person from the moment of salvation, to provide power for godly living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing God’s will. 

Human beings are made in the spiritual image of God, as eternal souls with the potential of godly character. We are marred by an attitude of rebellion towards God called “sin”. This separates us from a perfect God.  

Salvation is a gift from God to us. We can never make up for our sin by self-improvement or good works. God’s provision for us is Jesus, who took the debt for our sin. One receives Jesus Christ into their life by faith. People made new in Jesus find him to be the source of faith, hope and love.  

Human souls were created to exist forever. We will either exist eternally separated from God by sin, or in union with God through forgiveness and salvation. To be eternally separated from God is Hell. To be eternally in union with him is eternal life in heaven. Heaven and Hell are places of eternal existence.   

 Every person is precious in the eyes of Jesus. We would like to welcome you and honestly answer your questions. If you have a need, we will do what we can to meet that need. It is all part of caring for one another. Everyone is important and vital to our congregation. We are a family. 

Would you like to join us, but can't? You can watch live!

I came to Jesus Christ in 2019. The peace and grace that I have received from Him is unequalled to any time before I became a Christian. West Bay Covenant Church personifies what Jesus teaches us about loving our community and each other. What a beautiful place we are blessed by God to live in! If you are looking for a growing, loving, faithful church, come join us. Jesus is alive and well at WBCC!

Ron Dillie

We moved to the Traverse City area a couple years ago. Previously we have attended big churches with awesome loud worship music and lots of programs. But it was hard to get to know people, and easy to get lost in the crowd. When we visited West Bay Covenant, everyone was so friendly, the pastor took us to lunch to get to know us personally, and we were plugged into helping where we felt most comfortable. It is a smaller congregation of about 50 on Sunday mornings, and it feels like family. 

Greg and Loryn Lougheed